Wall with orange lifesaver hanging
· Health and Safety · Pool Safety

Do Your Research This National Water Safety Month and Reduce the Risk In Your Backyard

May marks National Water Safety Month, emphasizing the significance of promoting awareness and understanding of water safety. Every year, numerous drownings and near-drownings occur. By understanding the potential dangers and implementing safety measures, you can enjoy the water with peace of mind all summer.


Why Is Water Safety Important?


Lifeguard watching pool with waterslide


Beyond its recreational appeal, bodies of water pose risks that demand caution. Whether it's a swimming pool, lake, or ocean, understanding the basics of water safety helps mitigate potential hazards.


National Water Safety Month is important because it provides a focused opportunity to increase awareness about the critical importance of water safety on a larger scale. This month-long observance provides a platform to emphasize the importance of education, preparedness, and water safety awareness in preventing such accidents.


How to Recognize National Water Safety Month


Water Safety Month is not just a routine observance; it's an opportunity to learn and take proactive steps toward creating safer water environments. Here are some things to consider before diving in the refreshing water.


1. Understand the Risks


Pool edge reading "No Running"


Drowning can occur in a matter of seconds, even in relatively shallow water. It's essential to recognize that drowning doesn't always involve frantic splashing and calls for help; it can be a silent struggle that happens quickly and quietly, making supervision and awareness paramount, especially for children.


Recognizing the signs of distress and having the ability to respond promptly can be the difference between a close call and a tragedy. Moreover, pools and other bodies of water may have slippery surfaces, leading to slips and falls that can result in injuries.


Many drowning incidents happen in home pools, and emphasizing the importance of securing residential water areas by adding anti-slip mats, grab bars, pool rugs, and proper cleaning is vital.


Lastly, when swimming in natural bodies of water like oceans or lakes, beware of hazards such as strong currents, rip tides, or sudden changes in water depth that can pose serious threats. These factors demand heightened caution and knowledge from those engaging in water activities.


2. Implement Safety Measures


Lifesaver hanging on wall underneath a sign that reads "Warning: No Lifeguard on duty"


National Water Safety Month calls us to implement safety measures in pools and other bodies of water. One fundamental step is establishing clear and visible rules around the pool area.


Post signs that outline safety guidelines, such as no running, diving only in designated areas, and the importance of adult supervision. Ensure the availability and proper use of life-saving equipment like lifebuoys and life jackets.


Perform regular inspections of the pool's physical condition, including its fencing, drains, and water circulation systems. Adequate lighting around the pool area is another often overlooked yet critical safety measure, especially for nighttime swimming. With these swimming safety tips, everyone can enjoy and create memories by the pool in no time.


3. Educate Your Family and Guests


Kid wearing a life vest in pool with two women


Educating your family and guests about water safety is critical to fostering a secure aquatic environment. Start by openly discussing the potential risks associated with bodies of water, whether the backyard pool or a natural lake.


Emphasize the importance of never leaving young children unattended near water and stress the need for designated adult supervision. Encouraging family members to enroll in swimming lessons builds confidence and equips them with essential skills that could prove lifesaving.


By making water safety a family priority, you establish a collective commitment to responsible behavior around water.


National Water Safety Month may be a once-a-year reminder, but water safety must be a year-round commitment that ensures everyone can confidently and responsibly revel in the joy of water activities.


Ride the Wave of Responsibility Through Water Safety


Ledge Loves logo next to kid swimming underwater


Whether you're a seasoned pool owner or contemplating adding a water feature to your outdoor space, staying informed about the latest safety guidelines ensures your leisure spot remains a source of joy rather than an unforeseen hazard.


At Ledge, we emphasize the significance of maintaining water safety. This commitment has led us to initiate Ledge Loves. Through swim lesson donations, we actively contribute to saving lives. If you share our dedication to promoting safe swimming, we invite you to donate to our mission. 


Learn More About Ledge Loves

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